How to wash the primer from the tile on the floor

In order to prevent damage to the surface layer of the tile when exposed to various chemicals, it is recommended to test any of the potent agents on the sample - not all tile coatings have sufficient chemical resistance.

How to wash the primer from the tiles on the floor

When washing stains, take into account the fact that carelessness can cause a change in the color of the grout for joints, which will require repeated application.

Folk methods

For priming surfaces before applying the finish coating during finishing works, the most widely used are water-soluble compositions.

The best thing that can be done if such material gets on the tile is to immediately wash off the stain with water, and in two or three steps, changing the napkin and moistening it liberally. After removing the stain, wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

In the event that the stain was not detected in a timely manner and has already begun to dry out, it is necessary to remove it with a T-shaped scraper or spatula.

Reference! In the case when the particles of the deep penetration primer have already “eaten” into the surface of the tile, it is allowed to apply a primer of the same grade over the stain and rinse with water after a few minutes.

Using soda and vinegar to wash stains is not the best way to deal with a primer. Soda is effective if the surface to be cleaned is immersed in its solution for a long time, which is difficult to ensure on a horizontal surface, and vinegar can cause burns to the respiratory tract.

Household cleaning products can be used in combination, treating the surface in turn with different compositions. This method is good if the composition of the primer includes various components that react differently to a particular chemically active substance.

The basis of cleaning products may be:

  1. Acid - for example, oxalic.
  2. Alkali - baking soda or soda ash.
  3. Chloric lime - colloquially "bleach".

The cleaning efficiency increases significantly with the use of a household steam cleaner. A stream of rarefied steam removes contaminants from almost any type of surface without chemical attack.

Professional Tools

These include ATLAS Szop, used by finishers to remove grout, cement, lime and putty remaining on the front of the tile. The advantage of ATLAS Szop is that after its application there are no stains left. The domestic "Concrete Solvent" has a similar composition - inorganic acid is the chemically active substance of both agents.

Reference! Professional tools for mechanized cleaning, such as Dopomat, Hodrupa A, Kiehl and the like, can cope with stubborn dirt, but are usually sold in containers of 5-10 liters.

How to wash depending on the composition of the primer

If the label on the container with the primer indicates the solvent with which it can be diluted or washed, the choice of a suitable product for cleaning the floor tiles is simplified.

The solvents commercially available are divided into four groups:

  1. Oil - white spirit, solvent. Suitable for alkyd, oil and glyphtal primers.
  2. Xylene - 646-650, R-4. Perchlorovinyl compounds are dissolved.
  3. Alcohol For polymer and latex primers.
  4. Based on dichloromethane. Polymer compounds are dissolved.

For acrylic primers, the best option is to use original solvents of the same name (that is, the same brand).

In those cases where the stains cannot be removed with a solvent, you can use the compositions for washing off old paint - SP-1, "Auto-wash", "Antikras-Universal". It is most convenient to use pasty or gel washes.

Watch the video: How to Remove Paint From Tile Floor in Seconds. Two Methods. Home Improvement (April 2024).

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