WPS on the router: what is it

You may have seen the WPS button on the router. But not everyone knows what it means. Let's see.

What is WPS on the router

WPS technology that simplifies the process of connecting wifi. Usually such devices are wireless. By pressing this button, we immediately activate the connection between wireless devices. Without a button, we would have to do manual tuning all the time, and it would take a long time.

Why do you need the WPS button on the router

This button allows you to connect the device easier and faster. And another advantage is the safety of switching on. But you need to configure the WPS mode. It usually takes a minimum of time. The button allows you to enable the function. Now you just have to wait until the connection between the two devices is activated. The button allows you to turn on the network by simply clicking on it. Typically, to use a wireless network requires a number of settings in the system. But the key speeds up and simplifies the work. You only need to wait for the connection.

How is WPS used

We need to activate the connection. It can be of 2 types:

  1. Hardware
  2. Software.

Hardware connection

If the panel already has a key that we need, no additional settings are needed, then simply click on it, no other actions are needed. Now we press it on the device from which you plan to connect. We hold it, and hold for about 5 seconds. After that, you will need to wait about 2 minutes for the wireless connection to get better. If this connection method is selected, the password required for access will be created randomly.

Attention! In many models of routers, this button is simultaneously responsible for the settings of the device itself. And if you hold it pressed for more than 5 seconds, they will reset and return to those that were by default.

Software connection

Perhaps the device does not have the necessary key on the device, but it is capable of supporting WPS. Then we should go to the parameters of the router, there is a necessary section. But to activate the function, we need a Pin. You can find it on the device itself (look for a sticker on the bottom panel). And the code can be found in the web interface (section of the PRT). Having found out the Pin-code, we open the wireless network using the system tray. There will be a list of all networks. Choose your router and start to connect. The connection wizard starts. He will ask you to enter a pin code. Display and click Next. It will take some time, coca computer will connect to the wifi. Now you can work.

Attention! If a wireless network is not configured on the router, after you enter the code, it will display the WiFi settings window. Then we need to specify an identifier (at our discretion), choose grinding and Code for security. If you plan to connect other devices, you will definitely need a security code. Write it down.

If the key activation does not work, the reasons may be 2:

  1. Due to the bad weather, the Internet is temporarily not working (for the network, you must have access to the Internet).
  2. One of the devices failed or lost settings.

Button WPS - really helps faster, more convenient and safer to connect to a wireless wifi. By configuring, we can save time to connect.

Watch the video: Why You Should Disable The WPS Button On Your Router (May 2024).

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